Welcome, Sister! I’m so glad you’re here. My prayer is that in the coming tabs you will get a glimpse of Women’s Ministry at Fellowship and how you might get connected with what God is doing here. You are important and your story matters and we’d love to invite you to journey with us as we celebrate what only God can do in the lives of the Sisterhood.

I’ve been serving as the Women’s Minister since the Fall of 2020, after God uprooted my husband and I from Florida after serving 11 years in Christian Higher Education. Entering into church ministry during the pandemic (not to mention being newly married) made for an interesting transition period but the Lord’s faithfulness, goodness, and calling over my life sustained me in the unknowns.

When I first arrived at Fellowship, I found it challenging to find “my place”—a place where I felt known and loved. So, my desire is that you might be able to find your place in Women’s Ministry. I get it, I know it’s not easy. Sometimes you have to be the one to initiate conversation, ask a lady to coffee, or step out of our comfort zone and attend an event but I want to encourage you that it’s worth the risk. God designed us to be in community, and we desire to provide a safe and welcoming place for you to be able to do just that. I’m sure we can swap stories of how we’ve experienced church hurt and friendship hurt but my prayer is that you will continue to press into following after Jesus and walk in obedience.

We offer some really wonderful ministry opportunities in Women’s Ministry but can I let you in on a little secret? We don’t and can’t do it all—we can’t meet every one of your needs or desires (though we may try). We can’t be the Savior only Jesus can. My desire is that we point you to Jesus who is the only one who can ultimately quench your thirst. Sister, You Belong Here. Welcome Home!


Karie Farley

Women's Minister 


Ways to Get Involved

What's Happening

Bible Study

Do you desire to study God’s Word with other like-minded women? Do you seek to find a rich community to do life with? Bible Study is a ministry geared to all women of all ages in all seasons of life who desire to study the Bible and build meaningful relationships with other women. We offer two sessions, Tuesdays at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm . Childcare is available for $35 per child, per semester for the AM Session. No childcare is available for the PM session.


Do you need to be reminded of your value and purpose as a mom? Do you want to develop relationships with other moms and mentor moms? Moms Side by Side is a semester ministry geared to moms with little ones (birth to 5th grade) that teaches biblically based strategies for parenting while also providing accountability and encouragement from mentor moms. We meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 am-11:30 am.  The program costs $25 per semester, which includes your curriculum and childcare is available for $50 per child, per semester. 

College Care-Packages

Transitions are hard for all of us and can especially be true for college students as they navigate so many new things. Women’s Ministry sends out care-packages filled with notes and their favorite treats to encourage them in their college journey. We pray over the boxes and mail them out during mid-terms each semester.

Expecting A Baby? 

If you're expecting a baby through birth or adoption, we'd love to be able to send you a little something! Please email us at   and include your name, expected birth or adoption date, and if this is your first, second, or third baby. :) We are looking forward to celebrating with YOU! 


We desire to encourage and equip the sisterhood for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:12-16) and have designed these equipping workshops to do just that. Our Saturday morning workshops take place a couple of times throughout the year with different topics ranging from How to Study the Bible to a Biblical Worldview. We hope you will join us as we encourage and equip the sisters!

Sisterhood T-shirts

If you’re interested in sporting one of our Sisterhood T-shirts, you can place an order by emailing us at for $5.00. We have to say that the color looks great on everyone!

Beloved, Game Night, and So Much More

B-U-N-C-O! Throughout the year, we offer large events from our Valentine’s Day Beloved Event to our Bunco Game Night to laugh together, create memories, and build community. These events are designed to be meaningful and downright fun, but they also serve as great avenues to invite a co-worker or neighbor!

Read Through the Bible

Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible but you weren't sure where to start? Or perhaps the Bible has felt confusing or intimidating? We would like to invite you to journey through Scripture in 2024 using a resource and reading plan called The Bible Recap. Whether it’s January 1 or April 25--there’s no better time than to jump into reading God’s Word daily! We will give you everything you need so that you’re on track with us!

I was a Christian for almost 20 years and I had never read through the entire Bible. It honestly seemed too daunting and I had grown content learning about God's character second-hand from other people. Two years ago, a friend invited me to read through the Bible with her using the Bible Recap reading plan. Little did I know, that simple yes was about to transform my life in every way. Reading the Bible chronologically allowed me to see Scripture as one large story that displays God's character, love, and pursuit of His people. I came to know my God in a deep and personal way that I had never experienced before.

- Liz Baynard
This plan will take us chronologically through the Bible and also provides a short daily recap to help you understand challenging parts of Scripture and to connect the dots leading to a deeper relationship with God. You will experience God's Word come to life and you will fall more in love with God as you see His character displayed throughout the Scriptures. 
We are also hosting a Monthly Gathering one Saturday a month to encourage one another and discuss what we have been reading as a community! It will be a sweet time of community, encouragement & accountability! 

I Am Interested In Reading Through the Bible

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Get Connected

Women's Ministry sends out monthly updates on the first Friday of each month to keep YOU in the loop on what's going on in Women's Ministry and how you can get connected. We call our newsletter eScoop (which is different then the weekly Fellowship update called eNews)! Please make sure to fill in your email address below and follow the prompts. We would love to have you subscribe so you can journey with us as we celebrate what God is doing in Women's Ministry at Fellowship. 

For questions or for more information, please email us


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