Short-Term Groups


About the Group

Short-Term Groups meet at the church and are curriculum-based. Because the content of the work is the focus and purpose, they meet weekly, most only lasting for a few months. Within short-term groups, you’ll find bible studies, as well as care groups like Re-Gen, GriefShare, and Journey — which offer care and counsel for whatever you may be going through. Scroll down and click on the image of the group that makes the most sense for you to get registered.


Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray?  Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God?  Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven't prayed at all?  You're not alone.  Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it's a struggle.  Throughout God's Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.


  • Explore the different types of prayer modeled in Scripture.
  • Understand how prayer unites believers to God and to one another.
  • Learn how to overcome struggles that keep you from talking to God. 

We kick off Bible Study on Tuesday, September 10 at 9:30 AM and 6:30 PM on the study When You Pray.  Childcare, $35 per child, is provided ( AM Only ).

Register for women’s bible study

Lifeway Curriculum

Amazon Curriculum


As part of Fellowship’s mission of “everyone, everywhere experiencing Jesus,” Re:Generation offers an opportunity for anyone to be transformed and experience the fullness of joy in Christ! Re:Generation is a biblically based 12-step discipleship program offering recovery and freedom from any type of struggle. If you need a safe, Christ-centered community where you can heal from past hurts, destructive patterns, and addictions, join us on Wednesday nights to experience the abundant life God desires for you.

Click here to learn more about how God may want to bring healing to your life by using the Struggle Finder

The next session of Re:gen will begin in January.

more info or Register for regen

 Our Griefshare leaders have lost loved ones themselves, gone through the program, and have processed their own grief and now want to come alongside and help you. The class consists of discussion, prayer, video teaching, and sharing one’s responses from your workbook.

The next session of Griefshare will begin Wednesday, Feb. 7th at 7pm in room 202.

register for griefshare

Do you need to be reminded of your value and purpose as a mom? Do you want to develop relationships with other moms and mentor moms? Moms Side by Side is a short-term community group that's geared to moms with young children (birth to 5th grade) who are looking to build meaningful relationships with other moms and mentor moms.  The group provides Biblical-based resources while also providing encouragement and accountability.  The group begins on Tuesday, August 27 at 9:30 am-11:30 am.  The program costs $25 per semester and childcare is available for $50 per child, per semester.

register here

Journey is born out of the need to bring healing and hope to women whose husband/partner is dealing with issues of sexual brokenness and struggling with sexual purity. As such, Journey is only available to women living in these circumstances. Journey meets weekly and seeks to provide a safe, caring environment for women to feel totally free to share their hurts and grief. Emphasis is placed on being honest with self, God, and others in order to develop healthy responses to our circumstances.

I’m interested in joining Journey