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We believe God is our help and our hope in times of trouble. We also believe God uses His Word, His Spirit, and His people to provide this comfort. Sometimes people feel that reaching out for help is a show of weakness or lack of spirituality but the Bible is clear that we need help from others in order to grow emotionally and spiritually. Whether you are burdened and suffering through life’s issues or simply want help in growing closer to Christ, Care Ministry desires to help you find a fulfilling relationship with Christ and with others. At Fellowship, nobody should hurt alone.
To schedule an online time of prayer, care, or just someone to talk to, please use this link.
Soul Care Ministers
Life in this fallen world often leaves us feeling confused, stuck, and discouraged. Just trying harder doesn’t usually work, and ignoring the problem leaves us stuck. Soul Care Ministers can help. These are regular people who have demonstrated giftedness in listening well and providing wise, biblical counsel to those seeking healing, freedom, and wisdom in all areas of daily life.
Stephen Ministry
God never intended for us to go through life alone. If you have experienced a loss, it’s especially important to have a trusted friend to walk alongside you, that's what Stephen Ministers do. Loss looks different for each person; you may have lost a loved one, may be in a season of unemployment, or you have loss of your health. Stephen Ministers are men and women specially trained to provide encouragement and prayer through their side-by-side ministry.
Marriage Mentors
Are there times when you wonder why marriage has to be so hard? Are there struggles or discontent that make you wonder if your relationship is as rock-solid as you thought? Do you think that no one at church would understand? Marriage Mentors are trained to invest in you and your marriage, to be a sounding board, and to share from their experience how to help your marriage become as healthy as God intended it to be.
All who are tired, broken, or hurting are invited to come find recovery in Jesus Christ. Re:generation is a 12-step discipleship process oriented around life change and hope through the application of God’s word. By working through these 12 biblical steps of looking to God, looking to self, and looking to others within an authentic community, people have found freedom from substance abuse, codependency, pornography, disordered eating, depression, fear, control, emotional/physical abuse, same-sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and many other personal struggles.
Journey (For Women)
Journey is born out of the need to bring healing and hope to women whose husband/partner is dealing with issues of sexual brokenness and struggling with sexual purity. As such, Journey is only available to women living in these circumstances. Journey meets weekly and seeks to provide a safe, caring environment for women to feel totally free to share their hurts and grief. Emphasis is placed on being honest with self, God, and others in order to develop healthy responses to our circumstances.
Welcome to GriefShare at Fellowship Bible Church. Our leaders have lost loved ones themselves, gone through GriefShare, and have processed their own grief and now want to come alongside and help you in your grief. The class consists of discussion, prayer, video teaching, and sharing one’s responses from your workbook. Please click on the link to register for GriefShare at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, or call Sandie Kimbrel at 770.641.5599.
There are many circumstances and seasons of life where we realize we need strength, wisdom, and provision from the Lord. A team of men and women are available and consider it a privilege to join with you in prayer.
Pastor on Call
Our pastors and ministers are on-call to respond to emergency situations to provide support, care, and resources. To reach the pastor on call, call 770.992.4956. If you wish to receive a visit during hospitalization or alert us of an urgent need, please complete the care alert request form.
Prayer Quilts
A group of ladies make prayer quilts with love that are tied with prayers. Each knot tied into the quilt represents a prayer that is offered specifically for someone in need of those prayers. This quilt is a tangible way for the recipients to see God's love and let them know they are not alone. A prayer quilt offers hope and encouragement because of the Prayers of the Body of Christ. You can't touch a prayer, but you can touch prayer knots on the Prayer quilt. If you have interest in receiving a quilt or providing quilt to someone, please complete the information below. We will respond to you within two weeks of your request.