Mission Partner Update - Paul Masih & Kristen Masih

Posted June 13, 2023

Dear Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. Recently, I led a pastor's training session with our leaders in Punjab. I wanted to update you on the progress we made during our time together:

First, we discussed preaching through the book of Matthew. We strongly believe that the message of Christ, preached from the Bible, is the greatest need of our region. Please pray that the Lord would empower his church in northwest India to faithfully preach his word. And that many may believe, and those who have already believed, be sanctified by the preaching of his word.

Additionally, we initiated discussions on conducting funerals. This is a significant need within our churches, as most of our congregations and pastors are first-generation believers. It is worth mentioning that many of our villages lack graveyards since traditional practices in our region primarily involve cremations. Our goal is to develop a manual that will assist pastors in conducting funerals in a manner that honors the departed and brings glory to the Lord.

During our time together, we also prayed for and commissioned four men to begin ministering to four unreached people groups in our region. Furthermore, we were able to provide them with motorbikes to facilitate their outreach to these groups. Please join us in prayer for the success of their endeavors and for the day when these groups will have believers among them.

Thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely, Paul Masih

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