Fellowship Missions Update

Fellowship on Mission:
Everyone, Everywhere, has been experiencing Jesus through our mission work and trips at Fellowship this year. We kicked off 2024 with a Missions
Expo celebrating and highlighting all the year’s mission opportunities. As we wrap up our summer season, we are excited to share how the Lord has used our church to serve his church and care for his sheep.
Expo celebrating and highlighting all the year’s mission opportunities. As we wrap up our summer season, we are excited to share how the Lord has used our church to serve his church and care for his sheep.
Camp Grace in Roberta GA
Our team served 182 campers during the week of June 2nd – 7th. This team hosted the craft classes for the week, served the dining hall for all 12 meals and washed the precious feet of every camper that attended. The foot washing ceremony is an incredible opportunity our team gets to be Christ one on one with each camper. This team served selflessly all week to keep the campers fed, the spaces cleaned up, and most importantly the campers seen and loved.
We invite you to continue to pray for each of these campers as they are back at home and given their own opportunities to share what they learned about God’s great love for them.Please also pray for the camp staff as they lead through new initiatives and as the Lord continues to open doors for them to expand and grow.

World Wide Proclamation along the Amazon in Brazil
On this ten-day river boat trip our team served five villages along the Amazon River by providing medical and dental services to 600 people.
Which opened the door for them to share the gospel in schools, door to door and at evening family gatherings to over 1,100 villagers. Working with our mission partners in Brazil the Costa’s this team was able to meet physical and spiritual needs.
We invite you to continue to pray for the villagers that made professions of faith. Praise the Lord! And for the local churches around them to disciple
and care for them well. Our trip is a catalyst that opens the door for mission partners, like the Costas and local churches. Pray for the continued work of our partners, as they have many more trips upcoming in August and November to evangelize to the least-reached groups south of the Amazon and in Northeast Brazil.
and care for them well. Our trip is a catalyst that opens the door for mission partners, like the Costas and local churches. Pray for the continued work of our partners, as they have many more trips upcoming in August and November to evangelize to the least-reached groups south of the Amazon and in Northeast Brazil.

Medical Missions Ministry in Guatemala City, Guatemala
We have two teams travel to Guatemala each year both of which were intergenerational!
Our first team of families (including our youngest missionary, eight-year-old John David) and adults went the week of June 8th – 15th to support the
medical staff and clinics (tirage patience, fill prescriptions, assist dentist, and manage the clinic) in their outreach to rural communities. The Lord opened doors for them to travel further into the unreached areas, praying over people and sharing the gospel. This seasoned team, led by those serving 25 years on these trips, boldly carries the power of prayer with them as they
engage and share the love of Christ.
medical staff and clinics (tirage patience, fill prescriptions, assist dentist, and manage the clinic) in their outreach to rural communities. The Lord opened doors for them to travel further into the unreached areas, praying over people and sharing the gospel. This seasoned team, led by those serving 25 years on these trips, boldly carries the power of prayer with them as they
engage and share the love of Christ.
Our second team lead by our student ministry went the week following June 16th – 23rd to again assist the medical staff and clinics. Our students, as you heard during the worship service they led on Sunday, June 30th, had amazing opportunities to share the gospel, see people through the eyes of Christ, and see lives changed through the power of prayer.

We invite you to continue to pray for those that gave their lives to Christ through these trips. For the spreading of the gospel through the work of
Medical Missions Ministry (MMM) and the local churches to gather around these new believers in discipleship and care.
Medical Missions Ministry (MMM) and the local churches to gather around these new believers in discipleship and care.
Additionally, we have several members on mission trips currently and to come. These are small-scale engagements the Lord provided. These trips
range from serving at local outreach camps like Camp Hope and Camp Highlands, traveling deep into the Amazon rainforest, and on the other side
of the Atlantic. Pray for protection, provision, and doors to be opened. Pray for hearts to be softened towards Jesus’ amazing grace.
range from serving at local outreach camps like Camp Hope and Camp Highlands, traveling deep into the Amazon rainforest, and on the other side
of the Atlantic. Pray for protection, provision, and doors to be opened. Pray for hearts to be softened towards Jesus’ amazing grace.
Praise the Lord for His great work of salvation. Praise the Lord for the local church here and everywhere! Praise the Lord for His continued work in our hearts, sending us to share His love with those around us and around the world!!
If you are interested in going on a mission trip, praying for our mission partners and work, and engaging in missions please reach out. We would
love to connect with you and discover how God is guiding you so everyone, everywhere can experience Jesus through us!
love to connect with you and discover how God is guiding you so everyone, everywhere can experience Jesus through us!
Contact us at:
Look for more! We have a mission trip to Boston serving with our church plant partners City On A Hill in December. Roswell Day of Hope is coming in September and our Joy Boxes will be back! And just like this year we will kick off 2025 with a Missions Expo again.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
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