Next Inititiave Update

Hey Family!
We continue to be so encouraged by so many of you taking the NEXT step in your walk with Jesus. Just this week we’ve heard of more people giving for the first time, choosing to prioritize their families, and making amends for past hurts. Praise God!
This past Sunday I highlighted the campus needs as part of the Next Initiative. The forthcoming stairwell renovation for increased safety and the heating and air units are the two primary needs we’re focused on. This week I’m highlighting our investment in local schools.
Some may ask: why are we supporting these local schools? First, they are in our neighborhood and almost literally down the street. We believe in education in various forms: public, private, hybrid, and homeschool. We also believe that where there is darkness, Christians bring the light. As our team has sat with teachers, social workers, and principals they are asking the church to step up and be that light. Just this past week a local school called our Student Minister, Josh Cook, for help with a project to aid children with special needs. They called him first! This is the type of relationship we desire to have e with our neighbors—both believing and lost.
There’s also a second reason we are investing in these schools: We take the Great Commission seriously. We will not be able to make disciples of our own city if all the Christians leave the public schools in our area. Because of this investment, we are confident that God will continue to open doors for us to preach Jesus and be Jesus to the lost around us.
My prayer this week is that you’ll continue to prayerfully consider taking the next step in your walk with Christ. Whether small or scared the Next step is a step toward freedom.
Your Brother,
Jason Cook
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Veronica Janus Nov 21, 2023
This is great news and very exciting Fellowship is taking steps to be involved in the public schools! Let me know how I can help? I work at Roswell High School and my son attends there. My oldest son graduated from there a couple of years ago. Great school and students.