Mission Partner Update - Uttermost International

Posted March 08, 2023

Dear friends,
We are so thankful that the Lord has allowed us to partner together in 2022 for the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the uttermost parts of the earth.

While last year began with many strict health safety measures imposed in our area, we thank God that we were able to reopen Chandigarh Baptist School to in-person classes, at the beginning of the new academic session, for one of the highest-admission years in our recent history. And though the need is still great we also saw an increase in child sponsorships, with some new sponsors committing at a giving level of $50 per month to contribute toward their child's school transportation costs. Please pray that the school would continue to be effective in its educational operations as well as its Christian witness.

The country's more-open stance also allowed us to welcome various guests partnering with us in ministry. We were blessed to host a team tangibly sharing the love of Christ with an impoverished local community by helping to identify and address undernutrition. With their assistance we were further able to screen and initiate a program to the same end within our student body at Chandigarh Baptist School.  We also held dedication services for 7 church buildings, located in 4 different northwestern states of India, that we had completed construction on over the previous couple years.

We praise God that one of those is the first church that we've had the opportunity to build in its state-a state that is home to 770 unreached people groups. Only one-tenth of one percent of this state's population of 275 million people are Christian. Please pray for these 7 pastors and the healthy spiritual growth of their churches, and especially that God would continue to open doors for laboring among the many unreached people groups in our area.

We also faced adversity throughout the year, with a very pronounced increase in religious persecution in our ministry region the latter part of 2022. There were numerous threats and attacks placed on churches, pastors, and believers in the area. By God's grace we endured, and this high level of opposition abated enough for many public opportunities to commence safely in sharing the good news throughout the Christmas season.
Thank you for your part in enabling us to educate children, empower churches, and impact communities in the name of the Lord. Please find your annual giving statement attached, and please pray with us faithfully for the coming year of ministry.

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