Mission Partner Update - The Mayers, May 2024

Posted May 29, 2024

Sent Ones


How does one summarize 4 years of Cru? Because I cannot. I have too many photos, faces, memories, missions, retreats, laughs, cries, and just fun experiences that I could continue to talk about for another 4 years. I have mentored and been mentored. I have challenged and been challenged. I have given and been given to. I have loved and been loved. Cru was such a blessing from the Lord to my college career.

-Lauren (Headed to grad school to become a Physician's Assistant)

Graduations are such bittersweet occasions - the joy of celebrating an accomplishment mixed with the sadness of the "end of an era." A couple of weeks ago, 20 Cru students and staff gathered for "Senior Night" to honor 6 graduating seniors' investment of growing their faith and sharing it with others while at KSU. One of the most powerful moments of the evening was when the students were asked, "If your relationship with God has been impacted by one of these seniors, please stand up. Next, for those who are still seated, if you've been spiritually impacted by someone who is standing, please also stand." The whole room ended up on their feet! What a legacy these seniors are leaving through small groups they've led and the students they've discipled! While it's hard to see them leave, it's such a joy to see them sent to their next phase of life ready and equipped to continue walking with God and impacting others!

Two of the women who have been in Amy's small group and were discipled by her posted about their college experiences with Cru on Instagram. Lauren's quote started this letter. Rylee, who's about to become and elementary school music teacher said - "I've made quite a few good calls in college, but getting involved with Cru was the best decision I could've made. It is so sweet to be so in love with Jesus, this ministry He's blessed, and the people that fill it."

Lauren and Rylee both led small groups and it's encouraging to see students they've led following in their footsteps in ministry. Here's a recent Facebook post from one of their group members, Dana, a sophomore and pre-med student: "When I decided to trust God to go to KSI, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't think I would be doing anything more than just getting my degree. I didn't think I would be in ministry doing my part to advance the Kingdom of God."

Dana is doing here part, along with her friend Israel, through a weekly prayer time they organized in April. They invited others to join them in asking God to move in the hearts of black women and men at KSU (10,000 students), in preparation for intentional efforts to get more black students involved in small groups in the Fall. We were so encouraged by these times led by Israel and Dana and by those who participated. And we look forward to seeing how the Lord answers our prayers!

Serving Him with you,

Paul & Amy

Prayer Request - Please pray for Paul as he's currently in Southeast Asia for two weeks with Cru students and leaders. They're launching a new campus missions partnership in a large influential country that the US has never sent to.

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