Mission Partner Update - The Boodrams - October 2023

Posted October 20, 2023

Dear faithful prayer and supporting partners in Christ.

We want to thank you all for your faithful prayer and support for the Lord’s ministry here in Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean Islands, and Guyana.

 We are still with 95% of all our ministries back to normal. We are continuing to have live streaming on YouTube of our Sunday morning service for those who cannot attend. Sunday morning from 8:00am to 9:30 am. on YouTube. You can view it anytime by going to YouTube: kcbconline.



Our church is moving forward with many new believers who have trusted Christ as their savior and are attending our church. We are up to about 75% in attendance. Continue praying for us as we labor for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In sharing a clear gospel message. Salvation is in Christ alone by faith alone by his grace alone. Eph. 2:8-9. And discipling the saved to reach others for Christ.

The couple’s ministry headed up by Pastor Samaroo and his wife Savi and a team of others are planning a Christmas dinner. In December 2023.

Youth Ranch Please for our youth ministry. During the COVID time, our youths went astray. To make it worse, after COVID-19, there is so much crime and murders in our country, especially in our community. Parents don’t want to send out their kids at night. We are working on how we can get time during the day to start it back. We have a challenge for our youth leaders: they are working a secular job during the day. Everything is in the Lord’s hand—just pray for us. Because of the Youth Ranch, our church was started 47 years ago.

Our kid's Sunday School

Daniella and Dionne said the Kids Sunday school is doing well

Water Baptism

Eight got Baptized last month.

Eight got baptized last month. Two are my wife’s sisters and one of her sisters-in-law. They came from Hindu backgrounds. They are all in church now. We have about ten more new believers indicating they want to get water baptized.

Solid Rock Extension Seminary is doing well. We will be having Dr. Stan Ponz president of Clarity Christian College, formerly Florida Bible College. He will be teaching at Solid Theological Extension Seminary in Trinidad. We are looking forward to having him teach on November 13-17, 2023, Dr. Stan Ponz will also be the Guest Speaker at our Church anniversary on November 11, 2023 Kelly Community Bible Church was founded by my wife and I, forty-seven (47) years ago.

Trinidad Bible Institute begins its third semester with 45 students enrolled online with students from Trinidad, Guyana, St. Lucia, and the USA.

We would love to hear from you.

Please pray for our USA visa renewal it will expire in January 2024.

 Please pray for our financial support.

My wife’s medication costs $500/month, her insurance caps it and gives her for only three months. We have to pay for the next nine months.

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