Mission Partner Update - Living 1:27, November 2023

Posted November 27, 2023

Living 1:27 Update
November 2023
Living 1:27 connects, equips, and encourages the body of Christ to engage in the foster care and adoptive community.

Greetings Friends!

Volunteer Training
Wednesday, November 29 7:00pm - 8:45pm on Zoom

Can you deliver one meal a month? Or would you like to mentor kids in care?
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Living 127, sign up for our next online training.

sign-up for training

DFCS Appreciation
We are thankful for all the dedicated workers in our local DFCS. Last month, we delivered over 170 goodie bags to encourage DFCS employees in Cobb County.

Current Needs
There is a continuous need for foster parents, care community volunteers, donations, and prayer. Visit our website to learn how to take action or you may always email us at .

Foster and Adoptive Families

Are you a foster family in the north metro Atlanta area?  Please let us support you! Even if you don’t need the help (which you do!) it provides a way to connect others to the mission.  Please contact us to learn more.

Care Community and Primary Care Community Volunteers

We are looking for additional volunteers to grow the ministry and serve more families in our local community.

Care Community volunteers support a foster family by bringing one meal a month, mentoring children in care, and/or providing interim care.

Primary Care Community (PCC) volunteers serve at-risk families. This is a ministry to help prevent children from coming into foster care or reuniting families whose children have been in foster care. PCCs support families who have open child welfare cases with prayer, encouragement, meals, and meaningful monthly family experiences.

Prayer Requests

Pray for volunteers. Those currently serving faithfully to be filled and energized by the Holy Spirit to continue in their service and that new volunteers would step into the ministry.
Pray for healing. Pray that children and families would be healed, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually from the trauma of their situations.
Pray for wisdom. There have been recent court appointments and more upcoming for big decisions that will forever impact the lives of our families and their biological families. Pray that the decision-makers will see the truth and what is best for all involved.
Visit our website for links to Community Events

In His Service,

Living 1:27

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