Mission Partner Update - Bruno and Camila Costa

APRIL 2024
Bruno, Camila, and Mariana.
Hello, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! We are having a great year serving our Lord! Thank you for being with us in the work that He is doing in Brazil!
We had a wonderful quarter of the new year! We worked in juvenile prisons, drug recovery homes, and in schools. Be Amazing has wonderful news as well. Great things are happening!
We are also working hard for the mission trips to help our staff members and small local churches with evangelism. We have just had a team from Brazil working in Bolivia, led by one of our staff members. They worked alongside church planters on reaching the descendants of Incas that live in the mountains of the country, at about 12,500 feet high! We have three other big mission trips in 2024 inside Brazil, to the same destinations we go to every year. It is also good to remember that these mission trips are to help to reach four of the eight least evangelized groups of our country.
The mission trip of Camila and Mariana (and all the team) to Africa was postponed until Oct 25-Nov 13, 2024. The reason for this is that Guinea-Bissau suffered a coup d'état in January. The military closed the congress and took power, as a civil war could have started at any time. Therefore, because of this, the mission organization with which the team was going decided to postpone the trip. The team is ready to go in Oct! Please, pray for Guinea-Bissau.
Administratively, we are working on the improvement of our Staff Member Care Department, through which we want to better serve our staff members. Another administrative improvement is concerning the Communication Department, which will facilitate the mobilization, especially for the mission trips and training.
When the schools were off for vacation, we went to many juvenile prisons and drug recovery homes. God very much blessed again our time in these places! In one drug recovery home, one man said to us that he had already decided to leave the treatment, but because of the message he changed his mind and was going to stay. Praise the Lord for the power of His Word! We can never measure how deep it goes in the heart of each person when it is proclaimed.
Right after the school's vacation time, we went to them, and many meetings have been scheduled. Students of all ages are hearing the Word of God. We are having an incredible time in the schools. It is amazing the opportunity that the Lord is giving us to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” in the schools, where the biblical values have been attacked so strongly. It is a very important place for us to be as Church of Christ.
We are so excited about the WP International Conference that will be in Ecuador, on May 14-21. This Conference happens every four years. We will have WP missionaries from everywhere in the world. We are trusting God for a wonderful time with the WP family. Please, pray for the Lord to give us a great time together. May it be a wonderful encouraging time for everyone!
Our next mission trip this year will be to the Amazon. We will have again a team of 28 people (11 Americans + 17 Brazilians). It will be on Jun 1-8. Please, pray for the Lord to use this team! May many be reached with the Good News, and the local churches be encouraged!
Three months ago, Be Amazing launched the new version of the study book with a few adaptations to our culture. We are very surprised to see what is happening! One example is about a denomination in Brazil that started to use our materials in their 49 churches! Today, more than 600 women from this church are studying the Be Amazing book.
Last month, the ministry had the 11th edition of The Be Amazing Home. It was a great time of discipleship. Two women of this group came to Christ through the Bible study in their local churches. One young woman (18 years old) said that she had never had a reference about how a godly woman should be. Therefore, through the Bible study, she could see it. She is marvelous with the Bible!
Camila and her team are rejoicing with all the Lord is doing!
Dear friends, as many of you know, the Lausanne Movement started in 1974 with Billy Graham, John Stott, Ralph Winter, and other good influential names of that time. Since the first edition, they had two more Lausanne Congresses. The fourth edition will be this year in Seoul, South Korea. As I, Bruno, have mentioned in a few newsletters sent before, I was invited to be part of the International Lausanne Proclamation Evangelism Network, whose goal is to align projects and establish partnerships for global evangelization. Therefore, I was selected to participate in Lausanne 4. I am very grateful for that opportunity. It has been a tremendous honor to be part of this movement.
However, the cost is very high for us. Please, we would like to ask you to pray with us for the provision of these funds. If the Lord provides for it, I have already got another invitation from a man going to Lausanne to help him do evangelism in Cambodia after the Congress. He loves WP ministry and really wants our help. Please, pray with us for that provision.
The Mission Control Project is going on! It will represent a tremendous step to facilitate and improve our work. Please, see the brochure attached to this newsletter to find out more details about this project. Thank you very much to each one of you who has already contributed – may God bless you very much! Please, let us know if you have any questions concerning it! We are trusting the Lord for a miracle to do it. Please, pray with us for the provision of this project.
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