What does it mean to live a generous life? When we are truly generous, we are open-handed with God and with others — just as God is for us.
Psalm 145:16 says of God, "You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
To live close-handed means to fight for control, but to live open-handed in the areas of family, finances, work, and time, means that we relinquish control to God in an act of surrender and trust in Him. Oftentimes, God blesses us with abundance in the areas where we live generously.
Now, as one church family, we are taking steps of generosity together in each of these areas!
If you are visiting this page, you’ve likely heard messages in our brand new series, “Next: Steps Toward a Generous Life.” In week two of this series, Pastor Jason spoke of financial generosity and what we are hoping to accomplish as a church.
Here's a quick breakdown:
Community Initiatives: $40,000
Campus Initiatives: $43,000
Congregational Initiatives: $150,000
Total: $233,000
Below, you’ll find a listing of these initiatives that we’d love for you to prayerfully consider partnering with us on. To begin investing in these opportunities with us, click the button below! We thank you in advance for your support and for choosing generosity!