Our purpose as a church is everyone, everywhere, experiencing Jesus. We are proud to be a catalyst for people to experience our Savior - not just in this church, but in our community and world as well. We achieve this mission in three ways:
Fellowship has a particular role to play in this worldwide movement. When we do what God invites us to do, more and more people will come to know Jesus as their Savior and King.
We live out the good news of all that God is doing through Jesus Christ.
The Church has a role to play in the story of God and his rescue of the people and created things that He loves. At the heart of that story is the good news of all that God has done by His Spirit through His Son Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus liberates people from the power of sin. Jesus pays the penalty for His people's sinfulness. Jesus adopts those He loves into the family of God. Jesus partners with His Church to love everything and everyone God loves. Jesus is the Christ, the Jewish Messiah who saves His people from sin and rules over creation. This wonderful news at the heart of the world's ultimate story animates our life together as a church.
We experience Jesus in relational spaces where multiple generations are present and valued.
God's design and desire for His Church are to flourish as an intergenerational community. Each generation contributes its gifts and perspective within our church's relational spaces. Within these spaces, each generational contribution is valued as part of a kaleidoscope that displays God's creative power.
We experience Jesus in relational spaces where multiple cultures are present and valued.
God’s design and desire for his Church is to flourish as an intercultural community. Each person and family contribute their cultural identity within our church’s relational spaces. Within these spaces, each cultural contribution is valued as part of a kaleidoscope that displays God’s creative power.
We are becoming like Jesus in all that we are for the glory of God and for the sake of others.
Discipleship is a lifelong relationship with Jesus that makes us like Jesus as we do the work he gives us to do. Over time and through the ups and downs of life, the Spirit of God transforms every part of our life. We experience our identity as beloved sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Discipleship in Fellowship Roswell takes place within intercultural and intergenerational spaces. These spaces prioritize and cultivate wisdom and belonging as we follow Jesus together.
We Get To Know Our Neighbors
We Create Welcoming Environments
We Help Everyone Find Their Place
We Spend Time With Jesus
We Become Like Jesus
We Do What Jesus Tells Us To Do
We Do The Work God Gives Us
We Tell People The Good News of Jesus
We Provide Mercy and Pursue Justice