We are excited to begin offering nights for the whole family this Oct. 2nd - Nov. 20th — designed to help strengthen your relationship with Christ and our relationships with each other as a church community!

Fellowship Wednesdays will begin with an optional dinner at 5:30pm (registration available a week before each Wednesday with a small payment required), with numerous classes and groups following from 6:30pm - 8pm.

We’ll have a theology class taught by Pastor Jason, several groups focused on your care and well-being, and groups/programming for kids and students! Childcare is available at a cost as well for children aged birth - Pre-K (only for children of parents attending Fellowship Wednesdays).

Don’t miss this chance to go deeper in your walk with Christ and each other!

register here

Lay Academy

Fellowship Lay Academy (FLA) is the theological equipping classroom taught by Pastor Jason at Fellowship. The Lay Academy is designed for serious students and novice students alike.

If you will commit to showing up and doing the work then this class is for you! FLA will run in a two-year cycle (comprised of 8-week semesters) and will center on four essential historical Christian disciplines: Biblical Interpretation, Church History, Dogmatic Theology, and Practical Theology. Each discipline is arranged around those four classes that will take place over the next two years.

This fall Pastor Jason will begin the first 8 week session of FLA by teaching Biblical Interpretation. 

Two weeks from first class you’ll receive your syllabus, and a little homework to prepare in advance. This will also give you time to get the book needed for the class and print out the class companion.

register here

Dinner (Registration available a week before each Wednesday)

Join us for Wednesday night dinner. Weekly, we will be offering a hot meal for a reduced purchase price. This will be a great time for our church family to be together. More details to be provided in the upcoming weeks but mark your calendars now to join us for dinner starting at 5:30. Registration will open for the first time on Sept. 25th and pre-payment will be required weekly after that.

Children & Students

We will be offering options for children on Wednesday evenings.

Birth – Pre-K will have childcare provided at a cost of $35 per child for the 8-week session. If the cost of childcare is prohibitive, please contact .

Kindergarten – 5th grade will have a programmed time together at no cost to the family.

Special note*: Parents must be onsite or participating in a class/group for kids to participate.

register here

Discipleship Groups are for middle and high school students who want a smaller, focused, higher accountability group to help them take the next step in their discipleship journey. Groups start in September but anyone can join anytime.


Care Groups

Re:Generation is excited to launch a new group in January 2025! We recently launched our largest group in many years, so we are in the process of training new leaders to be ready for our next group. If you are interested, please fill out this form so we know how many leaders to anticipate needing. In the meantime, we hope you will be able to take advantage of other offerings with Fellowship Wednesdays, and we look forward to seeing you in January! And if there is anything else you need, or any specific issues that you would rather address more quickly, please indicate that on this form, and we will reach out to you soon to discuss how we can help

I'm interested in regen

At GriefShare, our leaders have lost loved ones themselves, gone through the program, have processed their own grief, and now want to come alongside and help you in your grief. The class consists of discussion, prayer, video teaching, and sharing one’s responses from your workbook.