Mission Partner Update - The Mikhaluks - August 2023

Posted August 09, 2023

500+ Days

- 500 days with suffering and fear; yet strength, courage, and resistance;
- 500 days with our minds divided-"before war" and "at war";
- 500 days and nights traumatized by air raids and missile strikes;
- 500 days of faith and hope­"Wow! Thank you, LORD, I'm still alive!";
- 500 days of painful news-raining tears, amidst incredible heroism;
- 500 days of small and big victories, and so much more-­crystallization of our values and beliefs;
- 500 days of getting closer to God!

We keep praying, believing that the hardships and sufferings will not be in vain, but that through these trying times our country, by the tens of thousands will recognize God's hand in protecting us from a powerful enemy and will submit to Him as Lord and Savior.

Christ's Love in Action

As we continue with humanitarian aid projects in the most hopeless places, many show openness to our message- THE HOPE WE HAVE IN CHRIST.
Church teams from Kyiv, Uman, and Lviv have journeyed to the Kherson region after the Russians exploded Kakhovskaya Dam, flooding thousands of homes, forcing them 10 flee. These trips have proven dangerous; Russian artillery deliberately has targeted humanitarian aid vans and trucks. However, the people's need outweighed the threat. How can we abandon them?

Natalia, a village doctor shared with us that the 9-month Russian occupation had filled villagers with a terror that seemingly would never end. When Ukrainian soldiers liberated their area, they ecstatically unearthed buried glass jars containing the Ukrainian flags. They hoisted them proudly over badly damaged homes as they exclaimed, "The taste of freedom exceeds all others!"
What we see happening in liberated territories reminds us of the spiritual bondage shackling so many in hopelessness and darkness. Christ, the Liberator, gives people such freedom and strength!

Time to Harvest

Summer is the season for baptisms. Rejoice as you read of those baptized in Cherkasy's Safe Harbor Church and in Uman.
Natalia Anatolievna had repented of her sins and followed Christ, but for a long time didn't want to be baptized. For almost 30 years her son, Oleksandr, had been praying for her and now he had the great privilege to be the one baptizing her!
Volodymyr Mykytovych, a construction worker, along with his grandma Katya, and Maxim (the youngest among them) all received baptism. Maxim came to faith in Christ through his wife, Olya who for 8 years had tried to become pregnant without success. When Maxim believed and committed his life to Christ, God gave them the desire of their heart-Olya is pregnant. She will be baptized next week.
In Uman, the church staged a grand celebration; nineteen were baptized on July 2. They have grown significantly.

Time to Rebuild

Please, join us to pray for the Ukrainian army to liberate more territory as soon as possible, so we can bring more help to people newly set free and can help them to rebuild what has been ruined by war. Some construction projects have already begun; keep praying!

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