Mission Partner Update - Kaitlyn Hovda - CRU

I am very excited about this next semester! We are kicking it off with meeting with our student leaders! This will allow us to reconnect with them after the long break and encourage them. I am also starting to encourage girls on the Marietta campus to take on more leadership roles which is very exciting! The first week of school will be filled with our regular weekly meeting and different opportunities for us to reach new students. We will also have a lot of time to reconnect with our small groups and disciples!
In December, I had the opportunity to travel to Southeast Asia with a few other staff and students. We were able to go to two of the college campuses over there and meet their staff teams. It was so joyful to be able to learn from the staff teams over there and encourage them. We also got to meet some of the students and they were wonderful to talk to. The students enjoyed talking with us and were very open. This really allowed us to learn about the culture and what life is like for students living in this area of the world. We are praying about and considering forming a partnership with this area of the world which is very exciting! Please join me in praying for Southeast Asia and the students there!
Prayer Requests
- The Lord would provide wisdom with scheduling as a new semester means adjusting timing
- New students would feel welcomed and encouraged
- Our small groups would all reconnect after being away on break
- Our students would gain a heart for the world once they hear more about our Southeast Asia trip
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