Mission Partner Update - Fran Gregory - September 2023

Posted September 05, 2023

I am approaching 10 years with Greater Europe Mission.  Since the Lord called me out of my IT career, I have witnessed Him moving in mighty ways. What started out in one city in Germany has expanded to multiple cities in Germany and several countries around the world, including locally in the US. In all this time, with the support of many people and my home church, I have never had to focus on fundraising efforts.  However, now I need your help.

The ministry to which the Lord directs me continues to expand and bear fruit, however, it does require that financial needs be met so that I can remain focused. For the first time since launching, my monthly support is critically low. While I am diligently pursuing ways to cut expenses, it is not enough.

I apologize for leading my newsletter out with this. I have always focused, on encouraging you all with how the Lord has moved wherever He has led ministry forward.  I must ask that you prayerfully consider joining my financial support team with monthly recurring support or one-time gifts. The monthly recurring support is obviously ideal, however, one-time gifts are also helpful as they are divided up across the year.  I am praying that you also consider sharing the ministry needs with others that you feel would be interested.

A major focus for my time in Zambia was to, once again, pour into the ladies who are establishing a women’s community.  It has been a rough go so far but I know the Lord has plans for these ladies. I am so thankful to report that the time with the ladies was spirit-filled and bore the fruit of a renewed commitment and updated schedule for meeting!  Please join me in prayer for them to persevere and stick to the new rhythm for diving into God’s word together.

Pray also that they can develop a strong foundation of trust and a sense of biblical community.  I also encouraged several young children who attend the Wiphan schools and participated in a school-hosted educational decathlon, as well as strengthened relationships with other Wiphan staff members.  Below are a few pictures of the time spent in Zambia. As always, please do not download, share or copy.

I am so excited for the opportunity to partner again with a group headed to Cuba at the end of September.  One of the goals laid on my heart during the time there is to further the connection made with the ladies from the previous visit.  I will prayerfully be working with some of the leadership there to review and translate prayer journal template material. This is prayerful preparation for future plans to facilitate some workshops in phases on return trips.  We will, of course, also be bringing much-needed supplies and offering encouragement to the local church. Please pray for the preparations, travels, and Holy Spirit-driven strengthening of relationships.

Since returning from Zambia, the Lord has opened the door to the formation of a new “Inner Circle - Woodstock” group.  Again, it is to remain small so that we can go deep.  At the moment, there are two members attending regularly on the same evening with a third individual that meets on a different evening.  Two of them have grown up in the church but are seeking answers to hard questions and desire to strengthen their walk.  One is a brand new believer (you prayed over him in the last newsletter). We are diving into topics, such as the validity and authority of the Bible, Screwtape letters, and the Book of Job. It is my prayer that eventually, I can run them through the discipleship training that was developed while I was in Germany. Please pray for these young people to be diligent and intentional about becoming disciple-makers. Also, pray that I am granted the wisdom to guide them well.


  • For the first time in 10 years of doing ministry, my monthly support has reached a critically low level.  Fundraising is not my gifting…. Please pray with me that the Lord will provide a way to make up all the shortage.  
  • Would you pray in advance for the Q&A sessions to be scheduled and well-attended throughout October?
  • Please pray for all discipleship relationships, previously existing and new alike (based in Germany, Zambia, Austria, and the US).
  • Pray for the ladies group in Zambia
  • Pray for the Cuban church to remain steadfast
  • Pray for the planning stages of upcoming Germany and Greece ministry service
  • Prayers for all the Kingdom work being executed by those called around the world.  In particular (but not limited to) for GEM (Greater Europe Mission) Colleagues, WIPHAN,  the Light of Messiah, EuroRelief, Praying Pelican, and all Bible-believing churches making a stand in the darkness. 

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