Our mission is to bring glory to God by boldly sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nurturing personal relationships with Him, and studying and applying God’s inerrant Word through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We will be a church where everyone discovers and lives out the good works that God has prepared for them through obedience to the command of Jesus to be His witnesses "in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8

As followers of Jesus, we are sent on mission to our neighborhoods, the nations, and the next generation. Whether we are sharing life with our coworkers, traveling around the world, or raising children in our homes, we believe that living intentionally in sharing the Gospel is part of our identity in Jesus.

One way that we can grow in that identity in Jesus is by committing to a short-term mission trip. These trips are designed to support our partners around the world in the work they are already doing. By setting aside a specific time to serve them in the ministries they are a part of, we are able to be the Church on a global scale.

learn more about our 2025 short term mission trips

apply for short-term mission trips

Missionaries Map