Our goal is to lovingly and safely care for the needs of your child. We hug them, soothe them, and pray for them while meeting their basic needs. Our hope is that as we love them, they will begin to form a foundation of Jesus’ love for them. We offer a curriculum for children in our nursery which becomes more focused and interactive as they mature. Each month has a theme and an age-appropriate Bible story that allows for different activities. Since repetition is so important to their learning, children in nursery interact with the same truth for a month.
Our FellowshipKids environments are exciting, experiential, and geared to reach kids right where they are. In Early Childhood our children go on a Christ-centered chronological journey through Scripture. Over a three-year time span, our children see how the gospel unfolds from Genesis through Revelation. Hands-on Bible activities, music, and crafts reinforce gospel and Biblical truths.
For our elementary-age kids, time is spent in their classroom interacting with the Bible account through a variety of different activities. At 9:15AM, classes are divided by grade; at 11AM, 1st through 3rd grade are divided by their last name and grade while 4th and 5th grade are divided by grade and gender. Our hope is that our children will gain a larger picture of who God is and how each part of His word points to His plan of redemption.
We desire to provide a safe and accepting environment to all individuals regardless of differences. Our Special Needs Ministry serves children with special needs during both Worship Services. We are excited to welcome all children into FellowshipKids by providing options in the classroom, with a buddy assigned to help them, or in our sensory-friendly room, according to how we can best meet their needs.
Interested in attending with your child with special needs? We encourage you to reach out and contact us at children@fellowshiproswell.org prior to your visit so that we can be prepared to welcome you on Sunday morning.
Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes before the service starts. When you arrive, please ask for the FellowshipKids Guest Check-In area. We look forward to meeting you there!
Upon registration, you and your child will be given matching security tags that are unique to your family and your visit. We will walk with you to the appropriate classroom where your child will be checked in and welcomed. Your child will wear the nametag portion of the matching security tags, which bears a code that is matched to your portion during checkout.
If your child needs you during the service, we will text the number provided during the registration process or display the child's name in the Worship Center. To save time, you may pre-register your child or print out the completed sheet and bring it with you to the FellowshipKids Guest Check-In.
We are celebrating each week to see so many children join us in FellowshipKIDS. There is great joy to see smiling faces in the hallways, to hear conversations between Team Volunteers and children in their classrooms, and to witness the love of Jesus being shared from the newborn to the 5th grader.
We could not be more excited to see what God is doing in and through FellowshipKids as we seek to for everyone, everywhere to experience Jesus right here in our church building.
We don't want you to miss what God will do in and through you as you see for yourself how God is moving in the youngest of our church family. We believe the kids need you as much as you need the kids!
We are always looking for people to invest in the next generation by serving in the classroom, as a special needs buddy, or as part of our guest check-in team. Interested or have questions? Click the button below.
It's an exciting time when you decide to dedicate your child! Fellowship's Child Dedication Celebration is an opportunity for you to commit to being the primary spiritual example for your child or children. It's also a time for your church family to gather around and partner with you in this endeavor.
Our next Child Dedication Celebration will be held during both services on Sunday, March 23. If you consider Fellowship your home church and would like to dedicate your child here, please also plan to attend a required, one-hour Parent Class where we will talk about the significance and theology of child dedication and practical ideas on how to engage your child spiritually as they grow and develop. The Parent Class will be held at 11am on Sunday, February 9 in room 110. To register for Fellowship's Child Dedication Celebration, click the button below.
Questions? Please contact peggy.williams@fellowshiproswell.org.
We know your child's safety is important to you, and we share that concern. Our security measures include matching parent/child security tags and ensuring that every adult volunteer is screened with an application, references, a federal background check, and completion of Ministry Safe’s Abuse Awareness training.
These are just a few of the steps we practice every Sunday as we value and work to ensure that every environment is a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your child.
When do you start teaching my child about the Bible?
We believe from the very earliest age children can begin to learn about God and His love! From the first nursery class, we will talk and sing to your child about Jesus as we rock and feed him/her. As your child grows and learns, we plan age-appropriate, interactive ways to help them experience and learn more and more about our awesome God!
I have a special needs child. Who should I contact with questions?
We are so thrilled to be able to welcome your family and your child. Our goal is to find right environment for your child whether included in our classroom or in our Sensory Room or a combination of both. Don't hesitate to get in touch with our Special Needs Coordinator Amber Krause at
amber.krause@fellowshiproswell.org so we can best serve your family!
Is there a place for me to nurse my baby?
The nursing mother's room is available during all services. It is next to the infant nursery. The service is on a live feed into the room so that you can continue your worship as you care for your baby. How will you find me if you need me during the service? You can request a pager at the time of drop-off if you would like one. Ask your child's teacher, and we will be happy to provide one. (Pagers are given on a first-request basis!) If you do not have a pager and your presence is needed, we will flash your name on the screen during the service.
What kind of security check do the volunteers have to go through?
Adults who work with our children must have a background check. As well, they must complete an application with reference checks and a one hour sexual abuse awareness training called Ministry Safe.
How do I know if my child is too sick to come to FellowshipKids?
In order to keep FellowshipKids a happy and healthy place for children, we ask that you keep your children home when they are ill or exhibit any of these symptoms within 24 hours of attendance. Any fever, rash, runny eyes, ear pain, vomiting or diarrhea, unusual fatigue or irritability, coughing, sneezing, or runny nose with color.
We would love to answer any other questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us!