Mission Partner Update - The Reynolds, January 2025

Dear friends,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We decided to push our usual end-of-the month email by a few days to give some margin for reflection and planning.
December has been a busy month for us. We traveled back to Georgia briefly in early December, and Graham was part of a good friend's wedding. Seeing family and friends was so sweet! When we returned to Marrakech, we had friends who work in Nairobi, Kenya stay with us for over a week. We celebrated Christmas together and enjoyed our time with them and other believers.
We began the year by gathering at an NPL summit for North Africa and the Middle East. This was incredibly refreshing and encouraging, and we spent three days worshipping alongside others working in similar contexts, hearing stories of God working in mighty ways in the Muslim world, and receiving training, tools, and counsel. We went home and took time to reflect on the past four months of marriage and ministry, repent of sin, and build in new rhythms for this year. Thank you to all who have been praying for us!
Thank you for praying for our brother John. His father's behavior hasn't changed, but he has allowed John to be out of the house on weekends. John also boldly shared his testimony with his father, something we have been praying for! This wasn't well received, but we continue to pray that his household will come to know Christ.
We are also so grateful for your prayers regarding security concerns. We felt a significant shift in how we were to respond to these fears. Graham was reminded of Jesus' command to his disciples to "have no fear of them... what I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops." (Matthew 10:26-28) We are confident that if God desires for us to be here, we'll be here.
We ask that you continue to pray for the growth of the church in our city. Please pray for us and our brothers and sisters (local and expat) to be bold in proclaiming the gospel, and for the family of God to be unified and multiplying. Please pray that the isolated believers in our city will be able to gather as church. Please pray for salvation for Perez' family, John's family, and S*'s family.
Please also pray for me (Selah)! I have been struggling mentally and spiritually the past few months. I'm also unsure of what effective ministry work looks like for me here. Please pray that God will teach me how to follow Him and also give me good work to do. Graham has been faithful in several discipling relationships with our brothers here, and we are thanking God for how these brothers are growing in maturity and boldness!
Thank you also for praying that our apartment would be a place people felt welcomed and cared for. John wrote the following after an evening at our place: "My friend and I felt warmth and affection, and I had this strange feeling like it was my first time experiencing family life. That moment will stay with me forever."
We're praising God for his grace in choosing to let people like us work with him. What a gift! We don't know what we're doing. But we serve a great God who continues to work in the world.
With love,
Selah and Graham
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